Houthis believe Khamenei is continuing the Prophet’s leadership: Spokesman

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The Houthis consider Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s leadership to be the continuation of that of the Prophet Muhammad and his son-in-law Ali, said the spokesman of the Iranian-backed Houthi militia during a meeting with Khamenei, the Supreme Leader’s official website reported.

Twelver Shias believe that Ali is one of 12 spiritual and political successors to the Prophet, or imams.

Khamenei met with Mohammed Abdul Salam in Tehran on Tuesday.

During the meeting, Abdul Salam gave Khamenei a letter from the leader of the Houthi militia Abdul-Malik al-Houthi.

“The oppressed and mujahid Yemeni nation will undoubtedly be victorious,” Khamenei told Abdul Salam.

Khamenei offered his condolences for the death of Ibrahim al-Houthi, brother of the group’s leader, who was killed on August 9.

The Arab Coalition supporting the legitimate government in Yemen said on Sunday that Ibrahim al-Houthi had been killed as part of an “internal operation” because of a dispute between different factions of the group and within its leadership, Saudi Press Agency reported.

Khamenei accused Saudi Arabia and the UAE of “seeking to separate Yemen” and called for a Yemeni-Yemeni dialogue.

Iran’s anti-US and anti-Western stances are “based on facts as well as the West’s and US officials’ actions,” said Khamenei, accusing the US and European countries of committing “heinous” crimes “while faking a humane, civil, and ethical face and constantly preaching about human rights.”

Iran has developed “important abilities” in defensive arms despite sanctions, he said.

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