VIDEO: Saudi Arabia to be at forefront of AI training, says Coded Minds founder

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Considering the rapid transformations taking place in Saudi Arabia it is likely that the country will be at the forefront of training in artificial intelligence and coding language, founder of a company providing these trainings to schoolchildren has said.

In an exclusive interview to Al Arabiya English, Omar Farooqui, Founder and Chief Innovation Officer, Coded Minds, said that major opportunities exist in this domain in the country’s education sector.

“It needs to be implemented at the school and children level to prepare them for the future,” he said. According to him, technology is evolving, and smart phones and social media are parts of our daily lives.

“Yet we do not teach the children the basics about. And here I don’t mean the operations but the language behind them. That’s when I found out that there is a massive gap in the market,” he said.

“At Coded Minds we have 35 different subjects that we teach and we are curating them constantly. We teach robotics, we teach different coding languages such as python, scratch. We teach web development, game development and also how to make a robot,” Omar said.

Omar said if teaching of coding language is made part of the curriculum and not just seen as extra-curricular or sporting activities, then we will be in a very good position preparing our future generations.

“Lot of schools we partner with have now started asking us to teach these subjects on their premises. We plan to expand in a lot of other countries too,” he said adding that whether we like it or not artificial intelligence is taking over our lives.

“Cyborgs or super humans or robots that look like human beings will be walking around the streets and will soon be seen as absolutely normal. So it is going to be very interesting,” he said.

Video shot and edit by: Omar Elkatouri

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